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Address the Climate Crisis: Home and Appliances

Homes and Appliances: Recommendations from FCB Green

Resources for weatherizing and decarbonizing your home

Decarbonizing your home is a journey and depending where you are with your house, can

take several years to complete. It will require a financial outlay, but there are a number of

incentives at the federal, state and local level to offset the cost. These incentives have never

been stronger or more comprehensive. These investments will lower your energy spend

and help to combat climate change.

First steps

  • If you haven’t had a home energy audit in the last 3 years, arrange to have a free audit performed by Mass Save

    • The audit will provide immediate steps to be taken for your home

  • Determine if your electrical system is up to date.

    • You will need a 200 amp system with a 240 volt connection to fully electrify

  • your home

    • Some older homes still have knob and tube and wiring. That will need to be

  • updated before insulating your walls.

  • Address weatherization, insulation and air sealing issues

  • Replace all your incandescent and fluorescent lighting with LEDs

  • Convert to smart thermostats if you haven’t already done so

  • Take an inventory of your HVAC, water heating systems and cooking range. Note the expected end-of-life date for each of these.

    • Any system due to be replaced within the next 2-3 years, immediately research a viable replacement. The idea is to eliminate all systems currently using oil or natural gas in favor of an electric equivalent. Important to know what the replacement system should be before your existing system dies and you have to take whatever the contractor has at the moment. Air source heat pumps are now a viable alternative for home heating AND cooling for New England. They are also 3X more efficient than gas fired boilers, and will play a key role in the electrification of homes.

    • Regarding cooking ranges, induction ranges are a great way to go. The precision of temperature control is incredible. Note however, that they can interfere with pacemakers. Anyone with a pacemaker should stay 2 feet away from the range when it’s turned on.

The end goal should be a well-insulated home without oil or natural gas systems. Electrify everything!!

Next steps:

  • Consider adding solar PV panels

  • Consider installing an EV charger

  • Replace gas powered lawn equipment with electric equipment

Useful resources:

  • Mass Save contact them for your free home energy audit. They also can assist you with many rebates and incentives.

  • Get a free renewable energy consultation with State Energy here.

  • Belmont Light offers rebates on many items as well

  • For federal incentives, Rewiring America has a nice calculator where you can input information about your household and see which Inflation Reduction

  • Act incentives are available to you and when.

  • Belmont Light has contracted with Abode offers free advice about air source heat pumps

  • The Belmont Energy Committee has compiled a useful list of steps to take along with some useful resources.

  • Belmont Goes Solar offers valuable advice for installing solar pv on your rooftop

  • The Belmont Tariff list serve is an excellent resource where like minded members pose their questions about heat pumps, hot water heaters, solar pv and get answers. If you’re interested in joining that list serve, please send your request to

  • New England Solar Hot Water offers solar and hybrid alternatives

  • Will Brownsberger has documented his experience with heat pumps along with some valuable advice and resources.

What if you rent your home?

Your landlord may still be interested in making some improvements. They have to

deal with aging HVAC systems and water heaters like any property owner.

Anything that reduces the energy spend for the property will only enhance its

long term value. Volunteer to coordinate a home energy audit on their behalf.

Your landlord may already be looking for ways to combat climate change. Please

feel free to share these resources with them.

Join FCB’s Climate Action group by sending an email to: You will receive a monthly email with notices

about opportunities to participate in events and actions responding to the

climate crisis!

FCB Green contact re: Homes & Appliances:

Download and Print this List here:

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