Dear FCB Climate Crisis Responders,
Here are some opportunities for climate action and education for the month of May. Â
Thanks for your participation!Â
 Priscilla (Pril) Cobb, for FCB Green
1) Biodiversity Day at Danehy Park in Cambridge
Saturday, May 4, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Native Plant Community Gardeners of Danehy Park (Cambridge) has joined forces with Biodiversity for a Livable Climate and the City of Cambridge to host a Biodiversity Day Festival. About 12 environmental organizations, including Mystic Charles Pollinator Pathways, Mass Pollinator Network, Mothers out Front Soil Group, Cambridge Plant & Garden Club, and Grow Native Mass, will be present!
The day will have music, crafts, seeds, games, and native plant information, as well as three types of tours: Miyawaki Forest, Birding in the Park, and Tree-tagging using i-tree software.
2) Advocate for Municipal Reforestation Bill
To keep the Municipal Reforestion bill viable until future funding is available, we ask you to contact the chairs of Ways and Means, Representative Aaron M. Michlewitz and Senator Michael J. Rodrigues.  Please ask them to provide initial funding for the Municipal Reforestion bill in anticipation of receiving more funding through the Environmental Bond process next year. If you are a constituent of one of the chairs, please be sure to mention that in your message. Please make your calls or send your messages no later than mid-May. The committees are actively working on the budget now, so contacting them sooner would be best.
Call Chair Michlewitz at  617 722-2990 (recommended form of contact)
or send an email
Call Chair Rodrigues at 617 722-1114 (recommended form of contact)
or send an email: Â
3) Attend a Webinar with Third Act re: State Public Utility Commissions
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 7:00 pm
Join us to understand the energy justice policies at stake in your state's Public Utility Commission and untangle the spaghetti bowl of insider jargon. You can learn how to engage with your PUC on your own or with a Third Act working group. Missed our first session on the ABCs of PUCs? View the recording.
4)Â Eleventh Hour Bell Ringing - in front of First Church
Saturday, May 11, 10:45 - 11:15 am
Please join us for monthly bell ringing and sign-holding to bring attention to the climate crisis. Bring your own musical instruments! It's a Saturday, so working people and school kids can all participate!