The process of formulating a new form of covenant for FCB is now reaching an important stage. The Covenant Task Force is preparing to come forward with a recommendation that we adopt a two-part covenant as a replacement for the "Ames Covenant" that was adopted at FCB in 1900 and removed from our bylaws in last year's bylaw revision special meeting.
The first part of the new covenant form will be a brief "Faith Covenant" that would be recited occasionally (e.g., 5-6 times per year) in worship services, as we have done at our first Sunday services over the past year. The second part will be our "Behavioral Covenant," in the form adopted by the church at our 2011 Annual Meeting. Another recommendation of the Covenant Task Force is to resume the practice of reciting the "Behavioral Covenant" annually early in the church year, as was practiced in the years following its adoption. It will also be recommended that the new FCB Covenant, in its entirety, be posted prominently in the church and on our website and featured in other church publications as appropriate.
It is now time for FCB members to have their say in selecting a "Faith Covenant" statement that expresses the nature of our mutual commitment to each other within this religious community here in Belmont. Over the next two weeks (April 28-May 12), you will be invited to cast a ranked-choice ballot to make this selection. In brief, you will be asked to choose, in rank order, as many as three options from a range of five "Faith Covenant" statements that have been reviewed and discussed within the Task Force and/or presented in recent months in our worship services. This process will be discussed at our upcoming (4/28, 5/5, and 5/12) worship services. All members, friends, and youth are invited to participate in the vote, and all ballots cast by mid-day on May 12 will be tallied. Members and friends who cannot attend services in person may contact Tracey Summerhayes at the church office to obtain a ballot. For more information, please contact John Howe at