Thu, May 12
Belmont Unitarian Universalist Alliance
A forum for friendship and discussion over lunch
Time & Location
May 12, 2022, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
About The Event
At well over a century old, the Belmont UU Alliance is the longest continuing group at First Church. In recent years, it has expanded to include men. Our purpose is to provide a forum for friendship and discussion, as well as service to the wider church community. We meet the second Thursday of each month at 11a.m. to share lunch, conversation and a program. Programs have included nearby outings, documentaries, and talks by a variety of members and non-members of First Church on topics of arts and culture, travel, current events, religion, and more. In the past we have contributed to the maintenance and repairs of the Tiffany window and other church projects. Look for notices of our meetings in The Unitarian and as advertised by Adult Programs.
Non-members are always invited. For information about membership, please contact us through this email.
Many of our virtual programs have been recorded and can be watched on the First Church YouTube Channel.