Our Adult Programs, ongoing groups and special events, offer many opportunities for educational and spiritual exploration. Contact Lillian Anderson at landerson@uubelmont.org.
Check out our Adult Program Special Events—running for a limited time!
NOTE: Some events don't need registration, but click "Register Now" to get event details. If nothing happens, check for pop-up blockers. If that fails, right-click (or two-finger click) and choose "Open Link in New Tab."
And don't forget about our list of ongoing adult programs. We offer a wide variety of adult programs that provide opportunities for learning and getting to know other church members. For many, the adult programs are a substantial part of their First Church experience.
Ongoing Adult Programs
FCB Sangha
Mondays, 7:30pm, Online
Contact: James Hencke James Hencke meditationgroup@uubelmont.org
In meditation practice, we find that by developing our awareness and compassion, we can open ourselves, relax into situations, and enjoy life more completely!
FC Garden Group
1st Thursdays, 4pm, Online and in person
Contact: Jess Hausman
Learn tips from fellow gardeners
FCB History Group with John Howe
1st Thursdays, 7:30pm, Online
Contact: John Howe johnbhowe78@gmail.com
Engaging discussions about aspects of our FC history
UU Belmont Alliance
2nd Thursdays, 11am, online
Contact: Miriam Baker miriambaker426@gmail.com
Sept. 14: Downing Cless - FC Actions on the Climate Crisis
Oct. 12: Lanier Smythe - Trekking/Visiting England
Nov. 9: Bert and Louise Halstead - Adventures in Chile
Dec. 14: John Howe - “The Boston Religion”
Saturday Film discussion with Nate Sellers
2nd Saturdays, 8pm, Online
Contact: Lillian Anderson landerson@uubelmont.org
Short films will be this year’s focus.
Films with BIPOC focus discussion group
3rd Saturdays, 7:30pm, Online
Contact: Eva Patalas e.patalas@me.com
Watch the films on your own and come for discussion.
Sept. 23 - Little Big Man (1970)
Oct. 21 - Watermelon Man (1970)
Nov. 18 - Smoke Signals (1998)
Dec. 16 - Sorry to Bother You (2018)
First Church Book Group
4th Wednesdays, 7:30pm, Online
Contact: Christine O’Neill bookgroup@uubelmont.org
The book group is open and does not require commitment to attend meetings.
Sept. 27 - South to America by Imani Perry
Oct. 25 - Search: A Novel by Michelle Huneven
Nov. 29 - Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
Dec. 27 - Poetry by Robert Frost
Science and Spirituality
3rd or 4th Thursdays, 7:30pm, Online
Contact: Kirk Israel Kirk Is kirkjerk@gmail.com
Sept. 28 - The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood by James Gleick
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