Sunday, February 19: “We Are with You: UUSC and the Power of Global Solidarity”
The myriad of pressing issues around the world and in our own backyards often make us want to contract and focus inward just when we need each other most. Our struggles, with neighbors near and far, are interconnected. Communities on the front lines of the climate crisis and forced migration are leading the way towards the transformations necessary for our collective survival and flourishing. Join us as we welcome Rev. Laura Randall and Kristen Maples from UUSC. They will share stories of the remarkable work UUSC partners are engaging in around the world with the support of our UUSC members.
Upcoming Services
Thursday, February 23: Vespers in the Sanctuary with John O'Connor at 6:30 pm
Sunday, February 26: “Resisting Consumerism.” As we approach Earth Day and 40 for the Earth John O'Connor will reflect on resisting the siren call of consumerism.
FCB is Online

From Your Minister
I am a rut cook.
I do a lot of the cooking for the family, partly because I love feeding people and find cooking a relaxing and centering practice, partly because cleaning is not my best skill and it is nice to bring something to the needed tasks of my family, and partly because my own father’s love language was food.
So I do a lot of the cooking and mostly love it, but I find that I settle into ruts. The same handful of meals shuffled through and shifted between, with a few take out meals sprinkled in. Often the cooking feels less like creative expression and more like a farmer pouring feed into a trough for livestock.
I have sometimes thought I should just open up the front door and pour the groceries on the floor and call out to the devouring horde of my family and let them feed right there inside the door.
That was mostly in the depth of the pandemic when everyone was eating at home for all their meals it was astonishing what a family of five would go through for food.
And so, the rut is understandable, but it was so delicious and amazing to be lifted out of it recently by my sweet budding foodie twelve year old son, Jack.
“We should make some ramen!” he said with his singular enthusiasm.
He had found a recipe for ramen from some millionaire YouTuber twenty-year-old, and it sounded delicious. And so we made a pilgrimage to HMart in Cambridge where we have gone before for sushi making supplies, another culinary adventure with him as our team leader.
We gathered broths and noodles, oils and vinegars, vegetables and more.
It was an adventure from start to finish and the finish was delicious.
The broth was gingery and salty and delicious. And it was new. We had risen above the rut! And added a whole new kind of meal to the mix.
We are just now coming to the close of our winter theme of resistance and bridging into our spring theme of creativity. And this ramen adventure did just that.
It can be hard to rise from the rut, to explore new patterns and habits.
Many of you returning to Sunday mornings have expressed this, the pull of pandemic patters which have made it hard to get up and out, to get back on Sundays, and most of you who do (or the ones who tell me about it anyway) have been glad you did.
And no pressure. I commit to you all that I will be sure that all fifty two weeks of the year we have something worth your while waiting for you when you do make your way home to us.
There are so many amazing services coming up. Children’s choirs and Major Music, so many wonderful musical offerings, and the intern minister is wonderful, and we have him for just a few more months, stories and so many poems and reflections, so many people participating. Your hard working worship team pours ourselves into each and every Sunday.

But just like a good ramen, we are only part of the delicious. Perhaps we are the broth, holding it all, but then the very best ingredients are you all. So many people bringing their unique flavor and presence and gifts. This is my favorite part of church, this whole that we create together with all our uniqueness and individuality.
As always, I am here if you would like to chat. I have met with many of you as you have found your way back up out of the rut of these last many months. There is so much good waiting for you here in this special soup of First Church.
In my own home the ramen fever was contagious. Just the next day, hearing about our delicious ramen exploration, my eldest son and I made another unique ramen, he adding a truly perfect egg to the mix, boiled five minutes and then placed in an ice bath so the whites were cooked and the yolk cooked but custardy. It was heaven.
And now ramen is in the mix.
Anything can become a pattern.
Especially when it is delicious and good and fun and helps create a more just and loving world and connect you in compassionate creative community.
I am so grateful to be making this singular soup with you all. I am so grateful for everyone finding their way back in so many different ways.
If there is anything I can do, as always I am here, do not hesitate to reach out.
See you all back in the soup.
So much love,
TOGETHER AGAIN: Thank you for pledging!
Many thanks to those who have pledged for the upcoming church year (beginning July 1st). If you haven't pledged yet, please carefully consider what First Church means to you and pledge by March 1st. Seventy-six percent of the church's operating budget is supported by our pledges. All that we receive from this special place -- and all that we aspire to be -- is possible only with our financial support. You can pledge in the following ways.
Mailing in the pledge form that was sent in early February
Online here:
By email, to
With appreciation from the Stewardship Committee, Bruce Logan and Gina Carloni, co-chairs, with Susan Kobayashi, Susan Galli, and Katharine Canfield
Storytelling Maintains Our Connections!

First Church Annual "Moth" Hour with Ian Garvie and Richard Waring, February 17, 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall
Join us for our annual “Moth” Hour event where we share stories from our lives. Hosted by Ian Garvie and Richard Waring on Friday, February 17 at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall, we’ll hear about “The Dinghy” and “The Case of the Hyundai Car Stereo” as well as “A Fish Story” and “A Tree That I Loved”. Nine stories told by wonderful storytellers from our congregation.
Refreshments will be served. RSVP by using this link
Openings in Small Group Ministry Groups
Our First Church Small Group ministry groups (SGM) are thriving. If you are interested in joining, there are a few openings in ongoing groups.
1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7:30pm
1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 4:30pm
SGM’s meet for 90 minutes and delve deeply into spiritual, ethical, important topics and focus on deep listening. For many participants it is a transformative experience. If you are interested, contact Lillian Anderson.
Youth Group Service Trip Updates
FCB Youth Group is in Panama! Get daily updates on the work they're doing by visiting the News page on our website and navigating to the Youth Group tab. You can also follow along on their service learning journey by following us on social media where Raeann and her team will go live, post pictures and share the highlights of their trip as they unfold.
The Bylaws Are Coming (Closer)!
Please join the Bylaws Task Force at one of our next update sessions to discuss our revised Bylaw proposals: Sunday February 26 @ 4:00 pm via Zoom, and Monday February 27 @ 7:30 pm via Zoom. Please contact us at to request a Zoom link and our latest materials. During these sessions, we welcome your comments and questions on our latest draft before we finalize our proposals in early March. The congregation will vote on the final Bylaw proposals at the Sunday April 2 Special Meeting. Visit our webpage at
The Bylaws Task Force: Roger Read, Martha Courant, Anne Stuart
Partner Church Pilgrimage Plans to be Restarted

Every few years since 1990, pilgrims have travelled between the First Church Belmont and our partner church in Désfalva, Transylvania. The most recent pilgrimage occurred in the summer of 2016, when a group of 13 pilgrims from Belmont visited Désfalva as well as many other Unitarian churches in Transylvania. Several pilgrims presented a day-long music camp and recital for young people in Désfalva, fulfilling a commitment that had been years in the making. Other pilgrims visited homes of Désfalva parishioners that had been selected by the partner church minister.
Plans for a new pilgrimage were cancelled due to COVID. We hope to restart those plans sometime in 2023. If you are interested in knowing more, please contact John Eggert.
Beautify the Sanctuary with Flowers
Thank you for donating flowers to beautify the Sanctuary. Our longtime partner, Paradise Flowers, will create the arrangements, which are $90. You can use the form below for either an online payment or if you wish to mail a check to the church.
This month, we Share the Plate with the UU Service Committee
You can make a worship offering below, text the word “offering” to 617-819-8168, or mail a check to the church. Please make checks payable to The First Church in Belmont and write “offering” in the memo line.
First Church Cooks, February 19, 5:30 pm

This month, Lauren Crocker will be demonstrating her "Shallot Shebang" recipe. Join us on February 19 at 5:30 PM over Zoom.
At First Church Cooks, each month's recipe is demonstrated step-by-step in real time, as you either cook along in your own kitchen, or just enjoy the demonstration and fellowship of First Church friends. All are welcome. Email Lillian Anderson for the Zoom link.
Below are Lauren's instructions.
For our February First Church Cooks, I thought we would feature a recipe from an up-and-coming young chef named Will Coleman. I’ve made Will’s 10-Shallot Braised Chicken several times with great success. We will cook Will’s recipe as well as a vegan version where we will braise an assortment of veggies with our shallots. This recipe always takes me longer than I think it will, so I recommend the “Do Ahead” steps below.
Will serves his chicken over mashed potatoes. I usually pair it with rice and a big green salad.
Ingredient List:
10-Shallot Braised Chicken Thighs
12 ounces shallots (6 to 10)
4 cloves garlic
2 large sprigs fresh rosemary leaves
2 large sprigs fresh thyme leaves
3 to 4 large sprigs fresh parsley
1 large lemon
6 bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs (2 to 2 1/2 pounds total)
2 teaspoons kosher salt, divided
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, divided
1 tablespoon grapeseed oil, or any oil with a high smoke point
6 slices bacon (about 6 ounces)
1 tablespoon unsalted butter (or olive oil) 1 cup low-sodium chicken broth
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 cup dry white wine
Do Ahead
10-Shallot Braised Vegetables
12 ounces shallots (6 to 10)
4 cloves garlic
2 large sprigs fresh rosemary leaves
2 large sprigs fresh thyme leaves
3 to 4 large sprigs fresh parsley
1 large lemon
Assortment of green cabbage, potatoes and carrots (and whatever else sounds good)
2 teaspoons kosher salt, divided
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, divided
1 tablespoon grapeseed oil, or any oil with a high smoke point
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 cup vegetable stock
1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 cup dry white wine
You can add all of the below to a bowl as you complete each step (it will smell great!):
Peel and thinly slice 12 ounces shallots (about 3 cups)
Mince 4 garlic cloves (about 2 tablespoons)
Pick the leaves from 2 large fresh rosemary sprigs, 2 large fresh thyme sprigs, and 3 to 4 large sprigs fresh
parsley and finely chop (2 teaspoons of each)
Finely grate the zest of 1 large lemon (about 1 tablespoon)
If you are making the chicken/bacon version, cut 6 slices of bacon crosswise into 1-inch pieces.
Will was introduced to us by our older son Ben. Ben and Will met in a summer high school program at Northwestern. I follow Will on Instagram ( and have made a number of his recipes.
“Under the Sea: Party with a Porpoise”
Major First Church Gala, Saturday, May 6
No need to descend 20,000 leagues to find “Under the Sea: Party with a Porpoise,” our biannual live-auction party. Just come to the Parish Hall, costumed and ready to dine, dance, and bid! As we look forward to this beloved First Church tradition, please contribute your time, talents, and treasure—in the form of donations, such as dinners, brunches, tours, personal services, vacation homes, and anything else you think will inspire your fellow church members to bid high and bid often! For suggestions or answers to questions about donations, or to volunteer, email us at
(Some 2020 auction items were derailed by the pandemic, along with so much else. Donors who can still provide their items to the winning bidders might wish to do so before the upcoming auction.).
Upcoming Programs

FCB Sangha: Mondays at 7:30 pm (online)
Contact: James Hencke
Meditation practice allows us to dwell in the present moment.
SoUUper Lunch every Wednesday
All are welcome to a soup-based lunch at noon on Wednesdays in the Upper Gathering Hall.

Each week a volunteer brings a delicious homecooked soup to share with everyone. There will be bread, some sort of dessert, and tea and coffee. You are welcome to drop in for some sustenance, friendly conversation, and a chance to connect and deepen over something tasty. If you would like to volunteer to bring the soup, or something else to share, you can sign up online. Click here for more details on the church website. Questions? Contact Samuel Foster.
Board Games and Crafts on Thursday Evenings
Join us after Vespers for an evening of crafts and games. Bring your knitting project, your favorite games, or just yourself. There will be hot cocoa and snacks.
We'll be in the Parlor from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Click here for more details on the church events calendar. Questions? Contact Samuel Foster.
New Fellowship Events at First Church: Brainstorming and Planning Session: February 19, 12:30 pm in the Parlor
Want more fun-filled social events at First Church? Join us after the 11:00 AM service on February 19 to brainstorm ideas and even start planning events.
A contra dance lesson in the Parish Hall? A trip to the mountains? A talent show? A quilting group? A hootenanny? We can make it all happen. You can even lead an event yourself!
Let's team up and brainstorm. There will be snacks. Email Samuel Foster with any questions.
Science and Spirituality — Thursday, February 23, 7:30 pm on Zoom
The FCB Science and Spirituality group will meet online on February 23 at 7:30PM. We will use Google Meet for its good closed captioning; the link is here. We will be discussing "What Makes a Good Life", with a focus on Robert Waldinger's description of findings from the "Harvard Study of Adult Development", a 75-year-longitudinal study. You can watch Robert's short Ted Talk plus a slightly longer webinar. You are also encouraged to read Robert's book "The Good Life: Lessons from the World's Longest Scientific Study of Happiness." I've scanned the first chapter, which you can read here. I would encourage you to ponder things like:
What, for you, makes up "the good life"?
Can and should science have much of a say in us knowing what the good life is, and/or how to achieve it?
All are welcome to attend the discussion on the 23rd.
Confronting Our History, Part 2: How Do We Respond? Sunday, February 26, 12:30 pm in the Parlor
Last Sunday’s program explored the history of the stained glass window in our Sanctuary, depicting Elisha Atkins on his pilgrimage. We learned about the Atkins family's long history with First Church and their sustaining financial contributions, which included the purchase of our wonderful organ and the Tiffany window, as well as the construction of our church building. As we learned, the Atkins family money came from the sugar trade with Cuba, where a form of slavery remained legal until 1886. Edwin Atkins, who commissioned the Tiffany window in memory of his father Elisha, purchased the Soledad sugar plantation in 1884. When slavery was finally outlawed by the Spanish government two years later, Edwin was the last American to legally enslave people in the Western Hemisphere. How should First Church reckon with this dark chapter in our history? What are our obligations to right the wrongs of the past? Does the church owe reparations to the descendants of the enslaved workers at Soledad? How should we act on this discovery of past wrongs to build a more just and loving world in the present? Pleae join us for Part Two of "Confronting Our History" on Sunday, February 26, after the 11:00 AM service. First Church Historian John Howe and the FCB History Group will offer some initial responses to these questions, then lead an open discussion, in which all are encouraged to take part. Last week’s program is available on our YouTube channel. We urge you to watch it and plan to attend the discussion on Sunday, February 26, at 12:30 PM in the Parlor. All are welcome. Email Samuel Foster with any questions.
First Church Book Group, 7:30 pm (online)
Feb. 22 Station Eleven, E. St. John Mandel
Mar. 29 Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston
Coming Up in March
Revisiting Our Covenant: Next Steps with John Howe, March 5, 12:45 pm in the Parlor
On March 5 at 12:45pm in the parlor we will have the third in our series of meetings to discuss updating our church's traditional Ames Covenant. We will focus on the core elements that make covenant statements effective and memorable. This meeting is open to all interested members and friends. For background information please contact Lillian Anderson.
FCB Presents a Climate Action Info Session, March 5 at 5:30 p.m. in the Parlor
To kick off FCB's 2023 "40 for the Earth", come hear from three presenters about actions you can take in your home, your yard, and your bank and credit card accounts. The FCBGreen committee is sponsoring this program as preparation and inspiration for congregants in selecting an action to take during the 40 days between Sunday, March 12 and Earth Day, April 22.
The info session will be in the Parlor from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 5. Will Brownsberger will talk about converting to heat pumps, Jean Devine will speak about adding native plants to increase biodiversity and build climate resilience, and Alan Field will give a presentation about climate friendly banks and credit cards plus actions such as the nationwide one on March 21.
See a fuller description and more resources on "40 for the Earth" at a FCBGreen table after services starting February 26, as well as on the church website.
Why Transylvania? March 7, 7:30 pm on Zoom
“Did you go to the Partner Church Sunday service? Are you wondering why we are partnered with a church in Transylvania more than 4,000 miles away? Please join Livia Racz and the Partner Church Committee for a brief presentation with Q&A. Contact Livia more information and the Zoom link.
Belmont Unitarian Alliance presents: "Hidden Away Places in Paris" with Nicole Bernstein, Thursday, March 9, 11 am on Zoom

Nicole Bernstein will be presenting slides of hidden away Paris interesting places tourists never see even unknown to most Parisians. She herself discovered some of these old gems for the first time last summer, although she was born and raised in France where she regularly returns several times a year. Other slides will show new and sometimes temporary sites unknown to visitors. Contact Miriam Baker to get the zoom link:, (857) 228-8456
Second Friday Concerts presents Ellis Paul — Friday, March 10, 7:30 pm in the Parish Hall

Ellis Paul is one of the finest singer/songwriters of his generation. Smart. Literate. Poetic. Singular. Storyteller. Folksinger. An incredible 30-year career. 15 Boston Music Awards. 20 albums. Newport Folk Festival. Carnegie Hall. Hundreds of venues from Alaska to Miami, Paris, and London. Dozens of compilations, commercials, documentaries, TV shows, and blockbuster movie soundtracks. For many, he is the face of contemporary folk music — and probably no artist on the acoustic music scene is better loved by fans, or more respected by his contemporaries. Don't miss this chance to see him at FCB. Click here for tickets.
Saturday Film Discussion with Nate Sellers, 8 pm (online)
Contact Lillian Anderson for Zoom link
Mar. 11 - Daughter of the Dust (1991)
Daughters of the Dust is a 1991 independent film written, directed and produced by Julie Dash and is the first feature film directed by an African-American woman distributed theatrically in the United States Set in 1902, it tells the story of three generations of Gullah women in the Peazant family on Saint Helena Island as they prepare to migrate off the island, out of the Southern United States, and into the North.
The film gained critical praise for its lush visuals, Gullah dialogue and non-linear storytelling. The cast features Cora Lee Day, Alva Rogers, Barbara-O, Trula Hoosier, Vertamae Grosvenor, and Kaycee Moore and was filmed on St. Helena Island in South Carolina. Daughters of the Dust was selected for the Sundance 1991 dramatic competition. Director of photography Arthur Jafa won the top cinematography prize. The film is also known for being the first by an African American woman to gain a general theatrical release.
"Eating a Jewish Life" - a facilitated discussion led by Eleanor Sugarman with Judi Berman and Susan Kobayashi, March 12, 12:30 p.m. in the Parlor

Eat! Eat!
If you share even a slight bit of Jewish blood and/or interest in Jewish culture, these are words you may have heard! Join us as we remember the foods of our Jewish traditions and the memories they elicit. Are there other vestiges of Jewish heritage that live on, or that we wish to share?
Join us for a facilitated discussion led by Eleanor Sugarman, Judi Berman, and Susan Kobayashi. All are welcome. And of course, there will be refreshments.
Reimagined Listening Circles: Guided Meditation and Sharing; Refreshments and Socializing, begins March 12

The Committee on Ministry is a standing committee charged with providing a feedback loop to the minister, the Parish Board, and the community. We’re inviting you to join us on Sunday, March 12th, 19th, or 26th from 4:00 to 5:30 in the Sanctuary and Parlor for Guided Reflection and Sharing, Refreshments and Socializing. Childcare provided. Zoom opportunity will be on Tuesday, March 28th 7:30 to 9:00. Please respond to your email invitation (arriving next week). Thank you! Sign up here.
“Green Cuisine: Preparing and Sharing Plant Based Meals” with Michael Griffin, 5 - 7:30 p.m. in the church kitchen; register below
Have you been thinking about going plant based or curious to see how to make simple plant

based meals? Join us for one or more plant based dining experiences. Michael Griffin will be sharing ideas and recipes for plant based meals that are simple to prepare. You can sign up to help prepare the meal and feast or just come for the Feast. Each session will feature a soup/appetizer, salad, entree with sides, dessert and a few surprises. You will leave with the recipes and a full belly. To help cover the costs, we ask for a $10 per person donation (to be submitted at each dinner). To sign up please go to: Eating for our Planet Sign Up.
March 14: Italian Inspired dishes
April 11: Spring Classics
Food prep will be from 5:00 - 6:30 PM (limit 8 assistants)
Feast: 6:30 - 7:30 PM (In the Upper Gathering Hall)
An Evening of Jazz - Hope For The Future ( Fundraiser For Communities Without Borders ), March 18, 7:30 PM, In The Parish Hall
Our Non-Profit group “Communities Without Borders “will benefit from income and exposure from this Jazz Concert by the five person band led by Pianist and Composer BERT SEAGER. Cosponsored by the Social Action Committee.
Films About Black Lives, Meets on the third Saturday of the month at 7:30pm on Zoom
March 18 - The Color Purple (1985). Film. Based on Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Color Purple is a richly-textured, powerful film set in America's rural south. Director: Steven Spielberg. IMDB rating 7.7. Apple TV, HBO Max. Complement with NPR Pop Culture Happy Hour Podcast Revisiting “The Color Purple” wars.
April 15 - Uncle Tom (2020). Documentary. An oral history of the American black conservative. Director: Justin Malone. IMDB rating 8.3. Amazon.
May 20 - The Woman King (2022). Film. A historical epic inspired by true events that took place in The Kingdom of Dahomey, one of the most powerful states of Africa in the 18th and 19th centuries. Director: Gina Prince-Bythewood. Still in theaters. Amazon.
June 17 - Till (2022). Film. In 1955, after Emmett Till is murdered in a brutal lynching, his mother vows to expose the racism behind the attack while working to have those involved brought to justice. Director: Chinonye Chukwu. IMDB rating 7.2. Still in theaters. Amazon.
Facilitated discussion led by Diana Dill and Eva Patalas. Contact for the Zoom link.
Little Worlds: Four Novellas with Peter Guthrie, begins March 19, 2 pm in the Library
Too long to be a short story, not long enough for a novel, the novella holds a unique place in literature. Some of the greatest writers of the past 200 years have tried their hand at this sub-genre of fiction.
In this program we will read and discuss four remarkable novellas: Ivan Turgenev’s First Love, Henry James’s Daisy Miller, Katherine Anne Porter’s Old Mortality, and Claire Keegan’s Small Things Like These. Enrollment is limited to 12 participants.
The program will meet on Sundays from 2:00-3:00 in the Library on 3/19, 4/2, 4/16, and 4/30. If you are interested, please contact Peter Guthrie at
FCB and The UU Service Committee: Stories of Hope
Zsolt Szekeres
A UUSC partner since 2015, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC) is the largest, oldest, and, currently, the only non-governmental organization in Hungary providing assistance and representation for asylum-seekers and refugees. They provide individualized counseling and legal representation for asylum seekers and migrants.
Drawn to the work of promoting human rights from a young age, senior legal officer and legal coordinator of the HHC’s Refugee Program, Zsolt Szekeres, ultimately decided that practicing law in his home country of Hungary was where he could make the most impact. “Already at that time it was quite clear the direction that the country was going to take,” says Zsolt, “It was drifting away from the ideas of a progressive and inclusive society and moving toward a more restrictive one when it comes to universal human rights and the rights and liberties” of historically excluded groups.
Now, the influx of more than a million people fleeing the war in Ukraine and seeking refuge in Hungary has increased the number of people needing the HHC’s services exponentially. Zsolt says that the invasion of Ukraine transformed their work almost overnight as Hungary became a first nation of arrival for the people fleeing directly from a war-torn country. “We had a large number of people coming directly to Hungary and the state authorities were really not in a shape to meet this challenge at all. Because of the consistent policies of the government before [the war in Ukraine], the asylum authority and the police were simply not in an adequate form and shape to respond in a humane and human rights sensitive manner to the large number of people crossing the Hungarian border. So, we very quickly realized that we are the only organization in the country who can provide large scale information and in-person legal counseling for people about their rights and possibilities.”
One of the ways HHC is meeting this need is by ensuring that lawyers and other HHC staff are available daily to answer incoming requests for information and assistance in a variety of languages, including Ukrainian and Russian.
Because of the strength of UUSC’s relationship with HHC, forged over many years, UUSC was able to respond quickly to the crisis in Ukraine by providing an emergency grant to the HHC.
More than just monetary support, UUSC offers solidarity. This became especially important as the Hungarian government attempted to stop HHC from operating. “We were in dire need of any assistance and help both in terms of publicity, moral support, and financial support for the activities that carry out the protection of asylum seekers and the general rule of law in Hungary,” says Zsolt. “It was very uplifting for us that our partners, including UUSC, did not abandon us in this fight. The response that we got, including from UUSC, was that despite the government's clear efforts to shut us down, you will stand behind us and keep supporting the important work that we do. Under such circumstances our voice, our commitment, and our uncompromising attitude toward human rights really makes a difference." Zsolt adds that it has also been incredibly heartening that despite years of hate-mongering by the government, there has been a spontaneous and overwhelming social response to the crisis in Ukraine by the Hungarian people. “We are, together with our partners, upholding a basic sense of decency in a country that’s being so tormented and ravaged by the radical right. That is, I think, incredibly important.”
Go deeper and take action:
• Learn more and watch a video of Zsolt at
• Make a donation to UUSC today at
• Engage in needed human rights advocacy at
In Our Community
Grammy winner - from FCB - Kaitlin McGaw and the AlphabetRockers - Best Children's Album
We are so proud to share this news about our daughter: Alphabet Rockers, which was founded by our daughter Kaitlin and her musical partner Tommy Shepherd, won their first GRAMMY for Best Children's Album for their album "The Movement." You may remember that Kaitlin and Tommy Shepherd performed during First Church Sunday services several years ago.
Kaitlin grew up at FCB and has been dedicated to social activism since high school. The Movement is "an album that reimagines a world of justice and a culture of belonging - reaches families and children and community to embrace our differences and support one another. It is cutting edge in today’s culture wars, urging us to move to a better place." I encourage you to listen to this album and read about their amazing work, which we find inspiring - and of course we are just so proud of her. Check out
~ Eloise and Bob McGaw
At the UU Urban Ministry
Community Conversations: Jackie Jenkins-Scott on "Education: Do access and affordability level the playing field?" February 21, 6 p.m. online
Jackie Jenkins-Scott is the interim-president of Roxbury Community College. Prior to this, she was the 13th president of Wheelock College as well as its first African-American president. She is the founder and president of JJS Advising, a consulting company specializing in leadership development and organizational and corporate strategy. Jackie was also president and CEO of Dimock Health for 21 years, and has deep ties to the Roxbury community. Click here to attend:
CommUUnity Collaborative Winter 2023 Programs

Are you looking to deepen understanding of UU values and theology? CommuUUnity Collaborative is a Unitarian Universalist platform created/conducted by ministers and staff teams who want to share new programs with their congregations, and beyond. The course catalogue includes a variety of stimulating programs and workshops to help adults deepen their faith, wrestle with big questions, and nurture their souls. For more information and to register for any of the following programs go to our website
The Complete Church Calendar of Events
Next Issue: Thursday, March 2
Please use this form to submit your news or event (you can upload photos and graphics and paste links to further information) by noon on Wednesday, March 1.
Submissions may be edited for space and clarity. The Unitarian is published the first and third Thursdays of the month, September - June, and monthly in July and August.
Forms for church members
We Are Here For You
Staff are working from home. Office hours are Monday - Thursday, 9 - 2. Feel free to contact us for anything you need. The church office is closed Monday, February 20, for Presidents Day.
Call/text 781-400-4587
Mail to: 404 Concord Ave., Belmont, Mass. 02478