Recently the Parish Board voted to become a partner in Belmont Welcomes.

Belmont Welcomes is a program of the LBGTQ Alliance in which town government, community and religious organizations, and businesses are joining together to pledge to respect the rights of LGBTQ individuals, and to welcome them in Belmont.
You’ll see stickers with a new rainbow flag posted in businesses and town buildings. The stickers indicate that the organization has joined us in making Belmont more welcoming. Please let the shop-owners and officials know that you appreciate their support.
In addition, the flag has changed. It now includes a yellow triangle with a purple ring centered in it. This symbolizes the inclusion of intersex individuals. A person is intersex if they have chromosomes different from the usual XX (female) or XY (male), or if their sex organs fall outside the male/female categories.
The purple circle symbolizes that these individuals are whole and perfect the way they choose to be.